Sunday, March 20, 2011

just a thought....

I watch as the world spins around me...

In contemplation..

Are we who we are supposed to be?

or are we the masks of the past..

traditions and obligations...

covering up the beast inside...

leashed and caged...

never to be set free?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Winter Wonderland

I've lived in Manitoba my entire life and for the longest time I always thought it was the most boring and desolate place to live. Living in England gave me new perspective on my home town. It's absolutely stunning.
Where else will you find a forest to change to drastically within only a few months. You truly see the awe and complexity of nature at it's best in Canada.
When I arrived home from England, the first thing to truly stir emotions within me was to see a field, where looked upon one could not see it's beginning or end. I think we take it for granted of the amazing vastness that is Manitoba.
The sheer size and drama of the Manitoba countryside is inspiring in so many ways.
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Friday, January 21, 2011

all that is solid melts into air

The idea: that those most happily at home in the modern world may be the most vulnerable to the demons that haunt it. The idea: that the daily routine of clubs and cars, of shopping and eating and cleaning up,of ordinary hugs and kisses, may not be only joyous and infinitely beautiful but also infinitely precarious and fragile. The idea: that it may take desperate and heroic struggles to sustain this life, and sometimes we lose.
A book by the revolutionary writer marshall berman sheds some light on the ever changing, ever revolutionizing era of modernity we live. It is our struggle as modernists to grasp at the air to find that bit of solidarity that we crave so much in a world of constant evaporation.
So will you, man or woman of modernity, fight to hold onto what you know is real and fight against the hot melting heat that threatens to evaporate everything you know and love. Or will you as radical revolutionists melt yourselfs in hope that one day you may solidify into something new, revolutionary, and ground breaking?
These are the two greatest questions we must ask ourselves in times of great change.....
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Monday, January 17, 2011

little memories....

Little memories follow me everywhere now....

Lifeless lumps in beds....

Out of Place Things....

Ferrero Rocher wrappers surfacing....

Things never packed....

Footprints still there.....

She's gone, and little memories remind me....

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Stops By....

So my buddy Steve has entered a competition for video's about Christmas. Take a look everyone!!!

Christmas is Fast Approaching!

The anticipation of the gifts waiting for you on the 25th. The smell of cinnamon and spices in the air. Constant cheesy Christmas films playing over and over again on the tele. The cold, crisp December air blowing in behind guests in the doorway. Just a few of the triggers of Christmas. I think if civilization lost all memory of Christmas, i think we could recognize when Christmas is coming around simply by all of our senses!
May all of you have a Merry Christmas and give you my best wishes!! Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010


So its Christmas! and that means the whole family getting together. I feel lucky to have such a tight knit family, that can still add a few now and then. Especially them Brits! THE ENGLISH ARE COMING!!! anyways just thought i would post something on here since i have been such a coward towards the good ol' blog! Merry Christmas!!!