Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Stops By....

So my buddy Steve has entered a competition for video's about Christmas. Take a look everyone!!!

Christmas is Fast Approaching!

The anticipation of the gifts waiting for you on the 25th. The smell of cinnamon and spices in the air. Constant cheesy Christmas films playing over and over again on the tele. The cold, crisp December air blowing in behind guests in the doorway. Just a few of the triggers of Christmas. I think if civilization lost all memory of Christmas, i think we could recognize when Christmas is coming around simply by all of our senses!
May all of you have a Merry Christmas and give you my best wishes!! Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010


So its Christmas! and that means the whole family getting together. I feel lucky to have such a tight knit family, that can still add a few now and then. Especially them Brits! THE ENGLISH ARE COMING!!! anyways just thought i would post something on here since i have been such a coward towards the good ol' blog! Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tomorrow is the DAY!!!

So soon enough I'll be having my Rach back. Right about now she's waking up getting ready for her flight to Canada! Ah I can't believe it, in another 19 hours she'll be mine again. For all of you just joining in on the blog right now, me and Rach having being seeing each other for just about 2 and half years now. She lives in England, me in Canada. Long distance sucks but we've made it work and she's coming around for her second winter visit to the frosty landscapes of Manitoba. The picture above is of her last time she was here. We went for a skate on the ice path. She nearly froze to the ice.
I can't wait to have her back, long distance can kill relationships but in our case its made it so much better. Well i would love to keep typing but i got to go to bed so fast forward time!

The Table is Finished!

Thar she blows! It's complete! It's Finally done! All that blood, sweat, and tears are finished. This table being finished brings on another feeling. The feeling of letting something go that was so mesmerizing, educational, and enlightening; EVDS 1600 with Calvin Yarush. It was an amazing class, lots of people would say differently but it really did effect me. It opened my eyes to amazing design. And with that it had taught me how to create something like this.
I had a discussion with my dad about what good architectural design is. He was planted on the design being super functional and overall easy to build. I thought differently. Would art really be art if it were 'easy' to create? Easily understandable? My view of design and architecture in specific revolve around the ingenuity and uniqueness of a building. Something that would make you look twice, three times, and four. Something baffling at first, but after examination it would lead in a path that was truly your own. I don't think architecture can be described only as the design of building but as using art to create that building. Its an art, not a blueprint.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

So the Table, ALMOST THERE!!!

So the table lives! I'm pretty much 3/4 done. The shape, the curves are all finalized. Now the hours of sanding and fine tuning. The table is beautiful but its time to add some soft spots and a coat of stain. I've been thinking about the colour, and a red oak is probably what ill end up with. a darker stain would wash out the lines of the wood so i think that's a no no. Hard clear varnish will be applied to finished the coat of the wood. I may you a tinted Varnish to break down the number of steps. I hope it goes well, the wood is glued with an unstainable glue, i've sanded enough so that any glue is below the surface, but as I've learnt with this project there is many wrenches thrown at you in design!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

So I've decided that a wicked way for me to review my work and get good insight on it and what i could improve upon is to place it in the worlds largest forum, the Internet. I've been chugging away on this thing for 2 months now, and will soon be coming to the end with a final project, The Table.
The table in all essences will use all the strategies of good design to produce a work that isfunctional, and beautiful. I'm rather inclined to use wood. My dad has taught me a great deal of great wood finishing, and having all the tools to complete i feel this would be my stronghold. I also believe that wood is a beautiful source to use in design. It's natural, warm; it has character, texture. And it connects on a prime evil level with the viewer. A combination of base materials, such as metal, glass, and wood would best fit the kind of design i want to portray.

Friday, October 1, 2010

More University Stress.

Okay this is getting stressful, University is alot more than what i thought it was going to be....Man the amount of work and reading that goes into this sucker! This time around i have a 400 page book to read, many sketches, lots of writing. Geez! but all in all its going well other than me failing a math quiz today. I guess it just shows where i should be directing my attention too. Its going to be a fail, and win kind of relationship with university. I had a second there where i thought university wasn't for me but hopefully ill get back into it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

ok so its been awhile....

holy time can fly. I don't even remember the last time i posted. Ridiculous. Well to let you all know its fall time now in Winnipeg, and the trees are looking cooler and cooler everyday. Just yesterday i saw a tree half purple and half dark green weird! But the reds and yellows and oranges all mean that in a couple months its going to get.....bitterly....cold....and dry. So is the life of a Manitobian. But I'm still happy, i missed winter last year and i am ready to have it again. The snowmobile is ready to go, i have my snow suit together, found my mitts, my toque, and my scarf, and they are all ready to be worn. Hopefully later than sooner, i still want to longboard to school everyday instead of walk through a foot of snow 2 kilometres! We'll wish me luck!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lake Time!!

Me and Rach are heading out to the lake this week! We both love the lake, Rach more than me because she doesn't get many times to get out there. Nestled into Boggy Bay off of the Pinawa Channel, we have a quiet and secluded little part of heaven haha. The quads, the boat, the snowmobiles, and everything fun is out there right now, so the family goes there to unwind a little. Mom with her peace and quiet, dad and I with the power toys, and Rach with the water haha. Oh don't forget the dogs, they go nuts for the lake. Absolutely addicted to water haha. Well off to the lake!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New phone time.....

Soooo i want a new phone. I'm stuck with this crappy 'smartphone' look a like. Seriously crap. So naturally being the son of Murray Moffatt i've been researching for the past 3 days lol, and sometime today i'll be going to the mall to see the possible candidates. The Iphone is wicked but i mean everyone will have one, and there are a few things on it that have really killed its rep. the facetime app really is bullshit, it doesn't work. Me and rach tried it in the Apple store and it wouldn't work, or at least the way it should.
So i've looked into other phones, and there just as bad. I mean if you want anything other than an Iphone your going to get crap. Unless you spend ALOT of money. Arggg what should i get hmm?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Unpacked and settled in!

Well and the suitcases are unpacked and the room is clean. I'm officially back home. Although some things are still needing to be finished. All in all I like being home, although i feel like i don't have anything to do now lol. Well i guess Rach is coming tonight.
I'm starting to think about that part time job. I now realize that i WILL be blowing through a bunch of cash with having Rach down for the summer ( that doesn't mean anything towards Rach btw haha), just Anniversary in Minneapolis, Gas for going out to lake, its going to add up i think :(. But what the hell, have fun and then get back down to work, thats my moto!
I miss all of you english ones! Next summer shall be fun again! I'll see you guys in a bit!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

15 and a half...

So this is going to be it. The plane that takes me away lol. I'm actually quite happy with Delta, i thought i would have a big fuss with getting two free bags because i had originally purchased with NWA. cool. its just such a bitch to wheel two MASSIVE luggage cases around! 50 pounds each, they are mothers! one is literally just clothes and the other is clothes, Gul Stuff, and shoes haha. Wish me luck you guys!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Bye Falmouth!

So Falmouth your done. It's back home for me. You were good but only when it was sunny and summer. The winter my goodness you were terrible. Just overcast and cold. not lovely at all.
Well that's it folks I'm on my journey home. Just taking a pit stop at Rach's parents place and then onto Heathrow then home! Woop!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go....

No I'm not standing out your door if that how you were going to finish the title. I'm probably quite the opposite to everyone I'm leaving. As most of you know I'm leaving to go back home but the hardest thing as of late was packing. Man i have a crap load of stuff literally a crap load. 2 suitcases filled to the brim. The family is going to be uber happy with the presents!! See you soon Fam!

Friday, July 30, 2010


Well in the last few days here I've said proper goodbye's to many people. And it's really starting to hit me. I'm going to be leaving this whole life behind. Sue I've just been working in England but I've made friends, confidants, people I've shared my life story with and them the same. I've made real connections with people I work with, hangout with, or literally meet on the street. Sure England couldn't give me the weather i wanted but it's given so much more. The relationships that I've made here will last a very long time, and that's the hard part. To be in someone's life then to leave it within a few days. To all English people whom I've made friends with or literally just chatted to in the shop thank-you all for a wonderful experience and a great year. England i will miss you. Shout out to all Gul Falmouth Staff Guy, James, Carmen, Jon, Rach and my boys here Lee, Ash, Rob, Saf, Ducky, Fraiser and the girls (not in that way) Pops, T, Meg, Lex, Christina, and Sophie and all of the Blue house girls!! Cheers!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I freakin love longboarding....

I have really started to get good at this. Longboarding down the street to work is what wakes me up in the morning. Literally I will prop my head up look the crack between the shades and the window and if I see a nice bright light you know its on! This video is of just half of my journey but I'm going to try again tomorrow to get some better footage of my ride to work!
Just take a look into how many people I annoy in this one, just another day in the life of Andrew haha!

The Scare......

So as some of you may know already I had a scare from back home. My mom started having some pain in her chest and soon realized that she needed to do something about it. Sister called the ambulance, dad and sis waiting whilst mom got lifted onto the gurney. She spent the night in hospital just getting checks done to see if she may have had a heart attack or not. It was slightly inconclusive that night but they are continuing to look into it.

I've learnt two things from this. Don't go away. It has killed me being in England whilst big and major events happen back home. My auntie died, another had a stroke, a good and long friend died, Owen's 2nd birthday (haven't been to one yet: ENGLAND!), birth of Lillian, and finally my mom's scare. I've lived the life over in England but i need to go home. I need to see my family, tackle my dogs, NOT USE PUBLIC TRANSPORT!!

But the most important is to take care of myself. That's not just my body but other people in which are deeply rooted within me. My parents, my sisters, nephew, niece. I have a mission to keep this people in the utmost care. Starting when I get home the exercise regiment will start, the constant vigilance over ones health will start.

So to all of you out there chowing down on the sweets and stuff. YOU CAN but make sure that extra bit gets worked off later!

Living in Prairie Manitoba...

As you all know my home is Winnipeg, Manitoba. And right now I live in what you could call the opposite climate to it. England is nice for those who don't like extreme weather, which in most cases, is everyone! But if you are one for plus 40's to a staggering minus 40's then Winnipeg is where you are home! We can get excruciatingly hot summer that turn into absolutely subzero nights; Season's that change in a day; flash floods; super chills; heat waves; tornado's; anything mother nature has in her arsenal.
This is the July 1oth storm approaching a little town close to Winnipeg. It ended up forming a tornado but I just had to blog about it because it just goes to show the ridiculous weather we can get in Manitoba.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dream Land...

Have you ever felt that your life, your memories, and all the people, places, and things around are just a figment of your imagination. That all of this just a dream. Travel with me for a second here. What if you are dreaming this; The screen you are reading, the thoughts being conjured in your mind are merely just a dream. Don't put it past the human mind to construct a world in which every one of your senses tells you it is real. We've all had those dreams; Those eerily real dreams in which reality gets slightly distorted and your dream world imprints into your real world. So what if we are trapped in a very ordinary comfortable dream world, sleeping away. So one can think; if we are in a dream world, what happens when we die? In this thought you could presume that we would wake up in the next 'level' up. This could very well be how it all works.

After seeing the movie inception it gave my mind a jolt. I have had these thoughts before but never had I had something so well placed, so well designed to illustrate my thoughts. I'm sure every one of us have had these thoughts and doubts if we truly are in the 'real' world. Inception was a breath taking experience in to the power of the human mind and what it is capable of. The explanation or in fact the manipulation of dreams and thoughts was not groundbreaking but relative and easy to understand. Thoughts and idea's being directly affected by your dreams, and visa versa. Because we all know if we have a stressful day it will play out into a dream we may have.

It's curios to think of what this life really is. Some say religion, others say nothing, but rarely do we hear that this life is not life at all. How scary would it be to finally wake up right now, realizing all of this was a dream. The human mind is wondrous and frightening all at the same time...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Tooday i was a victim. Yes me the Canadian was a victim of Racism. I mean in full honesty the man was probably kidding but you could tell it was said with a little too much venom. He pretty much told me I didn't belong in England. Come on we live in a world where every country established country is multicultural. Plus who has ANY beef with a Canadian, maybe Russian because we kick their asses in hockey but seriously is the anything wrong with a Canadian.
Racism has been a big discussion for quite sometime. For example, it is actually racist to believe that the white population of the US is going to become extinct and whites have to fight back? I think so, let nature take its course, skin colour has nothing ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with anything any more. The only people who actually care about the skin colour of a person are those who a under educated, unworldly, and ignorant in all things.
But this leads me to another question. Is it really racist to say such comments as the man above. I thought about this more when i got home and really asked my self if it was actually racist. I don't Canadians are a race but more so the man was ultimately rude, and uninviting.
Being for a country in which multiculturalism is HIGHLY and WIDELY accepted it was hard to take. I'm still not yet rounded on the all the words but I think i better word for it would be that the man was being over nationalistic. Meh, i think the next time someone is about to buy something from me and completely insult the land i call home, they won't be wearing those DuBarry's that day!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I want to be famous so badly. I was talking to Guy today about his little visit to freakin Buckingham Palace, and being treated like royalty. I really want someone to be holding a door open for me and saying 'welcome Mr.Moffatt' before I've even entered the building. Someone to 'top up' my drink, or to have everything in the world pretty much complimentary. How sweeet would it be to be the queen for instance, pretty sure if she wanted someone to dance on a table for two hours it would happen! The Queen is my example only because of Guy's wickedly famous experience at Buckingham palace. Strolling out the gates with people taking pictures of you after you've only given a presentation to Prince Andrew. And in classic Guy fashion he asked the prince "and how are your daughters?" You dog you haha. Anyway's if someone needs someone who's 6ft tall, about 180 pounds, named Andrew Moffatt from Winnipeg, Manitoba, I WILL BE YOUR MAN!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


So since moving to England i have been immersed in the DubStep. No average North American will no what this is but holy crap it's my new dance music. The drops in Dub Step, ARE SOOOOO GOOD and SOOOO FILTHY haha. This is a word used with Dubstep because really it does describe it lol. Not so much english but the artist AC SLATER is the bomb. I've really taken a fancy to his style, it can be up beat and kind of housey but then he can then drop it into an 8ft pool of motor oil full of sludge and filth. SOOO good here's a snip bit.........

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Well what to do this summer....Mall of America??? This is Rach's haven, 4 stories of pure American and International Fashion. Cheap clothes and cool layout. Sporting the America's largest mall, it's sure to attract girls from around the world. But the real reason I'm posting this is to figure out what me and Rach should do for our anniversary. We're thinking the whole Mall of America Road trip, but don't know if we want to go spend a week at the cabin. The shop alcoholics dream or a lovely few days on many of Manitoba's beautiful lakes. All i know is that either way I'm going to look at guns while Rach shops and shake my head at the crazyness of Americans, or go fishing at the lake. Either way sounds pretty good!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gul I Will Miss You....

So the time of working at Gul is soon coming to an end. Its been a long but extremely fun time. Working at Gul has given me really good experience with customer service, but a lot more. Working within a company that's nice and small lets you be more involved in the company than most. For example with the re-fit of Gul I was super involved in adding those details to the shop that would really change it, yeah the floor was done by builders but the walls, ah there's the show piece aha. But it's that involvement within the company that's make it feels like a part of it is mine. I'm probably coming back next summer to spend a couple months over here. Although a good ol' Canadian summer would be nice! So au revoir Gul and here comes the university times!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Black Keys

So i know i haven't blogged in quite a bit but I've been trying to find something worth writing about. And I've found it.

The Black Keys have been around for about 10 years now, and for what reason i have never heard of them is a complete mystery. A soulful mix of blues and rock the Black Keys hit that uber rung of old school mixed with some new school tweaks. When i first listened to these guys i got that chill that usually get when I've found music that really does hit home with it lyrics and sound personally. I live a very chilled life, and like to live my life day to day by that motto.
This I could say is a very fitting soundtrack to my life.
The Black Keys were first introduced to me by a guy who came into Gul two days ago. We just got to talking about what music we liked at the moment. I said the southerner Lissie and he said the The Black Keys. I thought i was just going to be some little band no-one has heard of but after checking them out when i got home they are absolutely massive! The have a second band set up where they do collaborations with rap artists and that too, sound wicked!
So later on today I'm going to find they're tour schedule and see hats going on. Hopefully they'll either be coming to Winnipeg sometime soon, or somewhere close!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Homecoming Soon!

Ah so Winnipeg is soon up and coming. And I'm starting to get more and more anxious about going home. Starting university, moving countries, and just re-organizing my life. Well on top of that it will be the last month with RACH! Its going to be a little weird and sad that we're going to be going back to the long distant stuff. I really don't like it but it must be done!
Anyways Woop Winnipeg!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Longboard #2

So I've been riding for awhile now. Really gotten used the board I'm on now but i think I want to step it up a little and go with something a little more aggressive. The board I'm riding now is kind of just a cruiser. Really long, lots of flex, and nice spongy wheels. Now don't get me wrong that's what i want to continue with but i think i want something a little shorter for better turning and better equipment on it. I mean the Pin Tail i have now is kind of a generic brand with generic trucks and wheels. I want big wide wheels, taller trucks, and better bearings because I'm pretty sure the ones on my board are already shot. So yeah it's between the Land Yatchz Drop Carve below or the Land Yatchz Pinner above.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lissie Catching a Tiger

I think i have a knack for finding bands and artists that then become huge. It all started with My Chemical Romance, then Alexisonfire (they were pretty big before i got on them, but soon after listening and liking Alexis they got on national television) and on and on. But this one is new...

I literally found Lissie online on YouTube. She did a cover of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. Instantly i became curious because i could hear something different about this girl. After listening to here newest single 'When I'm Alone' i became hooked. I don't know hcow many times i listened to that song that week but it must of been in the 30's.

Lissie brings something to the table that I've been waiting for a long time. Something new, something different but entirely perfect. Her high feminine notes are matched with masculine low notes which gives her a very unique and tuned voice.

On top of that she brings a bluegrass, rock and roll sound to the mix. A very old sound but introduced with a fresh set of lungs that really can belt it out. All in all she is a wonderful artist and has amazing sound, bringing it back to old school.

Lissie's "When I'm Alone" can be found on YouTube

I'm just glad we have a artist in this world that understands something must be done about these cookie cutter pop artists that release a new single every week only because they're sound isn't timeless but is for the moment. All props to Lissie and returning us to good music.


Sunday, July 4, 2010


So I've been on the hunt for an iMac for quite some time now. I've fallen in love with them and i want one now! My old art teacher usually gets one every year but i dont think he wants to let it go this year! AAHHHH i dont know if i can spill out 1900 for a computer. Thats loads! SOOO MUCH. Some please spare me and sell their used one to me for 1200. PLEASE!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Chunky Canadian Trucker

You know what I can't wait to get my iPhone for this very reason. Absolute hilarity. James downloaded an App called 'Fat Booth' and as you can see it works amazing haha. Some would relate me to Shay Carl from You Tube hah. This picture is scary man, definitely going to watch my weight so i don't end up like this one day!

Friday, July 2, 2010


So at exactly 11:17PM tonight we shut the doors on Gul Falmouth knowing tomorrow we would make some dosh! A long and stressful night lead us to the best store in Falmouth, probably the world! The blood, sweat, and tears of the mighty Gul Falmouth staff brought this monster to life. Many weeks of hacking up sticky pallets, numerous splinters, and many achy feet were incurred in the this endeavour.
The shop looks great and we hope the world will think so too. I haven't added any pictures of the actual shop because your meant to get your ass down there and take a look! See 'round!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

England Football

England is renowned for their involvement in Fifa. A team with a lot of vim and vigour but alternatively a lot of pure untamed hate!
England just got knocked out of the world cup after a trifling game with Germany. 4-1 for Germany. Which in all respects really should have been 4-2 since there was a 'disallowed' goal which through the power of technology was proven to be a goal, but in my knowledge a ref has last say. Any who that's not the point I was going after.
One of the biggest thing England is known for in the Fifa is there pure patriotism during the games. England flags sail from every car, from every home, and are splattered across every pub. But in contrast they are known for their devastating blame and hatred towards the players and coaches.
Early in the games England drew against America in an upsetting goal let in by the England goalie. It simply slipped out of his hands. That goalie already has insults named after him, and he will be lucky to see the light of day in the premiership again. So harsh! And of course the coach has to go as well haha.

In any term I'm not going to condemn them too much because Canada hasn't been in Fifa for over 15 years now! I just don't think we invest enough really. Meh we'll stick too our ice and hockey sticks I guess!

Monday, June 28, 2010


AHH had an amazing weekend! It was Tamasine's birthday so we rented a boat and went cruising around! We were totally expecting kind of a shitty little boat but it turned out to be really nice! So many epic things happened lol.
We needed to have lunch but also wanted to swim so we found a green buoy and moored to it, only finding out later we could have had a huge fine for doing so haha. Amateur hour!
We did find a spot to swim later but it took us like 15 minutes to actually drop the anchor in! The swimming session didn't last long, the water is still freaking cold!
All in all the boat trip was brilliant and would do again instantly.
Got home then made up a bbq and cooked the night away! Oh but then went and had Corona's down at the Gyllyng beach cafe. Man we sound so summery! I love living in Falmouth at the moment!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


It's so freakin hot in Falmouth today. Literally melting me!! Anyways is about 20C BUT like 70% HUMIDITY! ARRRG its so freakin hot. me and my girlfriend went for a stroll through Falmouth and at mid day it was almost a heavy blanket on us!
I don't know what we are going to do about sleeping tonight its going to be ridiculously hot! Anyways I'm going to try and cool myself down!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Conspriracy Theories

So had an invitation from my girlfriend to watch a film "Zietgeist". Which by the way means Spirit of the Era. Or some mumbo jumbo like that. Anyways the films outlines three major conspiracies. One that Christian and many other religions are re-hashed version of the the 'original' Egyptian belief in the Sun God. Secondly that 9/11 was a carefully planned explosion to instill fear in the American people. Thirdly of a world banking and leading to a Mono- governmental world.
After about 10 minutes of watching the ridiculous intro to the movie i stopped watching it as I felt a little to insulted at the words being said. This lead me to believe this was another one of those movies with a chip on its shoulder against Christianity and more so religion itself.
But after hearing the movie actively disclaims that the attacks on the WTC was not of terrorist but of the government of the United States of America. I almost became sick. It is in fact a dark idea of to think of but more so a dark idea to create!
It set me aback. To think someone can really look at the people jumping out of the towers, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, parents, loved ones broken by their and turn right around and start making fake stories to bring down the US government. Now don't get me wrong there is many things wrong with the US governments but i truly believe the killing of 5000 innocent people would be conducted.
The thought that it could be is the more disgusting part. That someone actually created this conspiracy. The claims made in the film have time and time again been debunked, and we are left with a sad mess that merely spits on the graves of those who died in the wreckage and who died saving those within it.
All in all i feel saddened that the human race can do such destructive things to each other. In the physical realm but also the mental realm. The picture above depicts the victims of 9/11, surprising when you look at it that way.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Arg Moving AGAIN!

So its moving time. Moving time is never good. I've already moved from my last house to Rach's and I had a lot of stuff. AND I'M NOT EVEN STAYING IN THE COUNTRY! Really don't know how I'm going to get all of that stuff back home. I'll probably in the end just give it away. But these girls have A LOT of stuff, and only about 20ish cardboard boxes. I think we are going to be moving stuff a lot longer than we think. Plus the cleaning! It's going to be a lot of work! UBER LOADS!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

OH Canada!

Ahh i've a little patriotic today. It all started with a terrible youtube video of this white supremecist damning anyone of different skin tones and saying that in America white people are now becoming the minority. Damn southern americans! I absolutely hate them! Why can't everywhere just be like Canada, open arms and welcome of all colour ethnic background, or religion. Now there's a big difference about Canada compared to the US. If you want to live in a Country where there is little complaining, good pay, good stay, and good play. Come live in Canada my friends, it is the place to be!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So went to Gylly beach yesterday for a later swim and realized that all the crabs come to shore to pick up scraps from the tourists. They stay in the water but really close to shore! So i've decided I'm going to catch on with my bare hands. Was going to go for a swim tonight but I'm feeling really tired. But there is still hope on the horizon. I am going to catch one with my hands! I WILL!