Tuesday, June 29, 2010

England Football

England is renowned for their involvement in Fifa. A team with a lot of vim and vigour but alternatively a lot of pure untamed hate!
England just got knocked out of the world cup after a trifling game with Germany. 4-1 for Germany. Which in all respects really should have been 4-2 since there was a 'disallowed' goal which through the power of technology was proven to be a goal, but in my knowledge a ref has last say. Any who that's not the point I was going after.
One of the biggest thing England is known for in the Fifa is there pure patriotism during the games. England flags sail from every car, from every home, and are splattered across every pub. But in contrast they are known for their devastating blame and hatred towards the players and coaches.
Early in the games England drew against America in an upsetting goal let in by the England goalie. It simply slipped out of his hands. That goalie already has insults named after him, and he will be lucky to see the light of day in the premiership again. So harsh! And of course the coach has to go as well haha.

In any term I'm not going to condemn them too much because Canada hasn't been in Fifa for over 15 years now! I just don't think we invest enough really. Meh we'll stick too our ice and hockey sticks I guess!

Monday, June 28, 2010


AHH had an amazing weekend! It was Tamasine's birthday so we rented a boat and went cruising around! We were totally expecting kind of a shitty little boat but it turned out to be really nice! So many epic things happened lol.
We needed to have lunch but also wanted to swim so we found a green buoy and moored to it, only finding out later we could have had a huge fine for doing so haha. Amateur hour!
We did find a spot to swim later but it took us like 15 minutes to actually drop the anchor in! The swimming session didn't last long, the water is still freaking cold!
All in all the boat trip was brilliant and would do again instantly.
Got home then made up a bbq and cooked the night away! Oh but then went and had Corona's down at the Gyllyng beach cafe. Man we sound so summery! I love living in Falmouth at the moment!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


It's so freakin hot in Falmouth today. Literally melting me!! Anyways is about 20C BUT like 70% HUMIDITY! ARRRG its so freakin hot. me and my girlfriend went for a stroll through Falmouth and at mid day it was almost a heavy blanket on us!
I don't know what we are going to do about sleeping tonight its going to be ridiculously hot! Anyways I'm going to try and cool myself down!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Conspriracy Theories

So had an invitation from my girlfriend to watch a film "Zietgeist". Which by the way means Spirit of the Era. Or some mumbo jumbo like that. Anyways the films outlines three major conspiracies. One that Christian and many other religions are re-hashed version of the the 'original' Egyptian belief in the Sun God. Secondly that 9/11 was a carefully planned explosion to instill fear in the American people. Thirdly of a world banking and leading to a Mono- governmental world.
After about 10 minutes of watching the ridiculous intro to the movie i stopped watching it as I felt a little to insulted at the words being said. This lead me to believe this was another one of those movies with a chip on its shoulder against Christianity and more so religion itself.
But after hearing the movie actively disclaims that the attacks on the WTC was not of terrorist but of the government of the United States of America. I almost became sick. It is in fact a dark idea of to think of but more so a dark idea to create!
It set me aback. To think someone can really look at the people jumping out of the towers, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, parents, loved ones broken by their and turn right around and start making fake stories to bring down the US government. Now don't get me wrong there is many things wrong with the US governments but i truly believe the killing of 5000 innocent people would be conducted.
The thought that it could be is the more disgusting part. That someone actually created this conspiracy. The claims made in the film have time and time again been debunked, and we are left with a sad mess that merely spits on the graves of those who died in the wreckage and who died saving those within it.
All in all i feel saddened that the human race can do such destructive things to each other. In the physical realm but also the mental realm. The picture above depicts the victims of 9/11, surprising when you look at it that way.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Arg Moving AGAIN!

So its moving time. Moving time is never good. I've already moved from my last house to Rach's and I had a lot of stuff. AND I'M NOT EVEN STAYING IN THE COUNTRY! Really don't know how I'm going to get all of that stuff back home. I'll probably in the end just give it away. But these girls have A LOT of stuff, and only about 20ish cardboard boxes. I think we are going to be moving stuff a lot longer than we think. Plus the cleaning! It's going to be a lot of work! UBER LOADS!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

OH Canada!

Ahh i've a little patriotic today. It all started with a terrible youtube video of this white supremecist damning anyone of different skin tones and saying that in America white people are now becoming the minority. Damn southern americans! I absolutely hate them! Why can't everywhere just be like Canada, open arms and welcome of all colour ethnic background, or religion. Now there's a big difference about Canada compared to the US. If you want to live in a Country where there is little complaining, good pay, good stay, and good play. Come live in Canada my friends, it is the place to be!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So went to Gylly beach yesterday for a later swim and realized that all the crabs come to shore to pick up scraps from the tourists. They stay in the water but really close to shore! So i've decided I'm going to catch on with my bare hands. Was going to go for a swim tonight but I'm feeling really tired. But there is still hope on the horizon. I am going to catch one with my hands! I WILL!

Monday, June 21, 2010


So it's Hay Days once again! Woop coming around on the 11th or 12th this year, and I am so excited! Last time i went i was so strapped for cash that i didn't even delve with any money. This time around I'm getting those piggyback shocks and no one is stopping me!
This year me and the boys are going down in a camper trailer which we all know is going to be an absolutley crazy time. I can predict its going to be mostly beer, and snowmobile parts haha. Woop!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day
Fudge Cake

And so I did it! I made you a cake dad! Since i can't be there for your Fathers Day I made it happen here.
Happy Fathers Day Dad! I hope your having a wicked day even without me there! Loves

The OC...an obsession?

I remember the summer of 2006 watching the OC. I would come home from work at Tim Hortons, around 11pm, head straight down stairs to the basement, pop The OC on and watch for about 4 hours. Then wake up around 12 and do it all again!
It was something about the lives of the characters that captivated me so much, I felt like I was one of them but soon would return to reality to find i was a poor boy in a basement at 2:30 in the morning. These shows can be really harsh on you sometimes.
I think the character i most related with was Ryan, even though i really didn't have anything in common i still felt some kind of connection. Maybe I just wanted to be him!
This whole conversation started with me listening to the OC soundtrack and actually knowing which songs were played at which scenes! Sad i know, but I know there are much much more people like me out there!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My life for the NEXT FOUR YEARS!

So this will be my life for the next four years. Buildings, learning about them, looking at them, and knowing ABSOLUTELY everything about them. It may sound boring to you but I'm well excited. And a little bit nervous as well. I just did a mock timetable for university 1, and it kind of hit me that "yes i am going to university'. Some scary stuff! But my first year looks like a piece of cake. which is wicked because I definitely will need it to be since i haven't learnt anything for the past 2 years! Well wish me luck all!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Falmouth Crazies

If someone said to you that the locals in Falmouth were a little odd. They would be telling a lie. Because in fact the locals in Falmouth is where I'm pretty sure the overflow of insane people get sent. Let me tell you of some examples.

Case 1: Pirate Man; can be seen roaming the streets of Falmouth sporting slacks, tracky jacket, and some wicked skiing shades. But the most important part of this whole man is his accent, I didn't really think it existed any more but think of anyone of the pirates of Pirates of the Caribbean and give him that accent. "where are yar shoooooe laces lad!". And then on top of that add REALLY BULGY EYES!

Case 2: Stinky Pete; or at least this is what i call him. The local tranny, but still built like a man! Skirt, tights, make-up the whole shabang. But the stinky part comes from a wreak of baby powder that comes off of him! Oh yah and talks to himself.

Case 3: Chatty Kathy; the craziest of all. An old woman that, like clockwork, comes through town in the mornings, usually dressed in white chatty to herself. But this isn't quite mumbling, its full on talking or shouting. Random crap too! But the funniest thing happened today. I was cutting wood with the mitre saw and just as i started it up she walks in front of the door that i was cutting out of. SHE GOES CRAZY! full on screeching something at me! Luckily i had a good laugh with a Jamaican guy walking buy.

Falmouth I love you, so much interesting things happening all at once!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

spearfishin, HELL YEAH

So today i did something i didn't think i would of IN A VERY LONG TIME! I WENT SPEARFISHING! not proper spear fishing, but it was still fun! I love Falmouth this time of the year, sooooo many things to do!
Spearfishing is such a big sport to! i didn't realize how intense people were about it. Ducky was wearing this weird suit which was camoflaged, thinking it was just a camo surf suit i dived in. But it was actually a Spearfishing suit! chest pad to hold the gun while you cock it and all! wicked!
Also on the way there, on my skate sesh literally met up with another long boarder and we just skated all the way to Pendennis Point. Was really wicked he was teaching me loads of stuff. Said i was really good for only being in the sport for 3 weeks! Woop!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I think every single person when they were little watched this series. A short series on 4 short films and one full-length film. But still none the less, the best clay-mation out there. I absolutely fell in love with Wallace and Gromit. I think the first time i ever watched it i pulled it off the Blockbuster VHS wall when i was 5, living in Transcona, and begged my mom to get it. Anyways i though i would post this because i just watched 'A Grand Day Out' and it inspired me to write this. GO WALLACE AND GROMIT! Woop!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stinky Wood

So another long day of being builders, this time around we actually got to see our progress first hand. Woke up nice and early this morning, grabbed some grubby clothes and knocked up a bunch of old wood onto the wall. Looks really cool, kind of that grungy boxed crate look. I think the cool part of it is the 'recycled' fact about it. We recycled the old pallets to create a cool look in the shop. Woop we're thinking!

Anyways Guy wanted a shout out on the blog, so here is the shoutout my man haha. Picture and all. Good job today!

Me and the chika are going to try an do something interesting today. Being in Falmouth for 10 months you kind of DO everything there is to DO in Falmouth. We'll figure it out!

Monday, June 14, 2010


HOLY CRAP I'M TIRED! I was in pallet hell today. Basically James, Me and Guy went of to the ever soo lovely town of Bodmin to break up some pallets. Reason being, for a real grunge look to the shop for when we open. I'll explain later. Anywho what seemed in my mind to be an 'easy' job has left me tired, blistered, and slightly sunburnt. I didn't realize the job at hand, i don't think any of us did. We worked all day like half naked dogs out in the sun, only to land up with about half or under half of what was needed! I'm sure we ripped, bit, sawed off more than 150 pieces of wood. But yet it was not enough. Well i guess your wondering what all of this is for! The shop in Falmouth is closed at the moment and we've taken it into our own hands to 'spruce' it up a little. Not the clean, tidy, and organized way someone from one of those swanky designer firms would do it. Nah we're doin' it the manly way. Break things to make things! In theory we are keeping Gul's eco friendly name upstanding as well. See we're recycling the pallets!
Well that was my day, now time to crawl into bed and watch a good action movie. Night All!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gul Truro

Ahhh good old Gul Truro. I had the rare privaledge of working there for a couple days! Anyways first day was a good one, went out in this little get up on a UBER hot day and handed out Gul Night Surf postcards, not thinking i would be tooo affected by the heat in my 5.3 wetsuits i strided out in the glorious high streets of Truro. Truro is a cool city, you couldn't really call it a city but since it has a cathedral that play the most ANNOYING bells in England that means it's a city haha. Well onto Bodmin to chip up some old pallets tomorrow! Harray for hard labour!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

University Stress

So yesterday i completed a tutorial for the U of M registration and courses. Really started stressing me out as to what i need to do for registration. Right i was already worried about the date in which i have to register but now scheduling timetables and getting courses! Deciding to do a focus approach or balance or sampled! AAHH!
But i've kind of got it sorted, going to try and work on a timetable or at least the course i should take. And definitely going to be an Architect! Woop!

Beautiful Falmouth

Ah the lovely town of Falmouth, this is where i live, and have been living for these past 10 months. At first i was a little apprehensive to it, since the weather was NEVER nice. But now as summer creeps in I'm really liking the place. Hop on the board, cruz into town, grab some food to take to the beach and chill the whole afternoon away. Seriously wicked.
Don't know if I would move to England though, I mean, I'm a Canadian and all of us Canadians are born for the outdoors. And to be honest England doesn't have 'outdoors'. I absolutely love being in the middle of nowhere, not a single soul in sight, and that slight anxious feeling that if a bear did get you, no one would know for weeks! But in england, the outdoors has a path, signs, fences, radio towers, and crops.
But alas Falmouth has palm trees, hot beaches, and cornish ice cream. Only two months left :(

Friday, June 11, 2010


So started to longboard a couple of weeks ago
Think I found my new calling
Super chilled
You and the pavement
Really Fast
Ultimately cool
And makes me look 'hot' so says the goyf.....

Well my first time out wasn't too great. Ended up absolutely recking my ankle on the back of the board and wiping out in front of my local pub. Embarrasing? But now just cruise on through town, pushing off, and sailing my way through the crowds. Andrews kind of sports: don't require a lot of effort, mostly based on the "wheel", and fast. Really lovin' this and you should too. Here is a video to get you all fired up! -----

First EVER post!

Well everyone it seems Andrew has finally joined the blogging scene

Going to Truro today

Buy some vintage medals for my wicked killer jacket

Beautiful girlfriend

Lovely Day

No Stress

Going to be a good one.....