Friday, August 20, 2010

Lake Time!!

Me and Rach are heading out to the lake this week! We both love the lake, Rach more than me because she doesn't get many times to get out there. Nestled into Boggy Bay off of the Pinawa Channel, we have a quiet and secluded little part of heaven haha. The quads, the boat, the snowmobiles, and everything fun is out there right now, so the family goes there to unwind a little. Mom with her peace and quiet, dad and I with the power toys, and Rach with the water haha. Oh don't forget the dogs, they go nuts for the lake. Absolutely addicted to water haha. Well off to the lake!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New phone time.....

Soooo i want a new phone. I'm stuck with this crappy 'smartphone' look a like. Seriously crap. So naturally being the son of Murray Moffatt i've been researching for the past 3 days lol, and sometime today i'll be going to the mall to see the possible candidates. The Iphone is wicked but i mean everyone will have one, and there are a few things on it that have really killed its rep. the facetime app really is bullshit, it doesn't work. Me and rach tried it in the Apple store and it wouldn't work, or at least the way it should.
So i've looked into other phones, and there just as bad. I mean if you want anything other than an Iphone your going to get crap. Unless you spend ALOT of money. Arggg what should i get hmm?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Unpacked and settled in!

Well and the suitcases are unpacked and the room is clean. I'm officially back home. Although some things are still needing to be finished. All in all I like being home, although i feel like i don't have anything to do now lol. Well i guess Rach is coming tonight.
I'm starting to think about that part time job. I now realize that i WILL be blowing through a bunch of cash with having Rach down for the summer ( that doesn't mean anything towards Rach btw haha), just Anniversary in Minneapolis, Gas for going out to lake, its going to add up i think :(. But what the hell, have fun and then get back down to work, thats my moto!
I miss all of you english ones! Next summer shall be fun again! I'll see you guys in a bit!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

15 and a half...

So this is going to be it. The plane that takes me away lol. I'm actually quite happy with Delta, i thought i would have a big fuss with getting two free bags because i had originally purchased with NWA. cool. its just such a bitch to wheel two MASSIVE luggage cases around! 50 pounds each, they are mothers! one is literally just clothes and the other is clothes, Gul Stuff, and shoes haha. Wish me luck you guys!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Bye Falmouth!

So Falmouth your done. It's back home for me. You were good but only when it was sunny and summer. The winter my goodness you were terrible. Just overcast and cold. not lovely at all.
Well that's it folks I'm on my journey home. Just taking a pit stop at Rach's parents place and then onto Heathrow then home! Woop!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go....

No I'm not standing out your door if that how you were going to finish the title. I'm probably quite the opposite to everyone I'm leaving. As most of you know I'm leaving to go back home but the hardest thing as of late was packing. Man i have a crap load of stuff literally a crap load. 2 suitcases filled to the brim. The family is going to be uber happy with the presents!! See you soon Fam!