Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Stops By....

So my buddy Steve has entered a competition for video's about Christmas. Take a look everyone!!!

Christmas is Fast Approaching!

The anticipation of the gifts waiting for you on the 25th. The smell of cinnamon and spices in the air. Constant cheesy Christmas films playing over and over again on the tele. The cold, crisp December air blowing in behind guests in the doorway. Just a few of the triggers of Christmas. I think if civilization lost all memory of Christmas, i think we could recognize when Christmas is coming around simply by all of our senses!
May all of you have a Merry Christmas and give you my best wishes!! Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010


So its Christmas! and that means the whole family getting together. I feel lucky to have such a tight knit family, that can still add a few now and then. Especially them Brits! THE ENGLISH ARE COMING!!! anyways just thought i would post something on here since i have been such a coward towards the good ol' blog! Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tomorrow is the DAY!!!

So soon enough I'll be having my Rach back. Right about now she's waking up getting ready for her flight to Canada! Ah I can't believe it, in another 19 hours she'll be mine again. For all of you just joining in on the blog right now, me and Rach having being seeing each other for just about 2 and half years now. She lives in England, me in Canada. Long distance sucks but we've made it work and she's coming around for her second winter visit to the frosty landscapes of Manitoba. The picture above is of her last time she was here. We went for a skate on the ice path. She nearly froze to the ice.
I can't wait to have her back, long distance can kill relationships but in our case its made it so much better. Well i would love to keep typing but i got to go to bed so fast forward time!

The Table is Finished!

Thar she blows! It's complete! It's Finally done! All that blood, sweat, and tears are finished. This table being finished brings on another feeling. The feeling of letting something go that was so mesmerizing, educational, and enlightening; EVDS 1600 with Calvin Yarush. It was an amazing class, lots of people would say differently but it really did effect me. It opened my eyes to amazing design. And with that it had taught me how to create something like this.
I had a discussion with my dad about what good architectural design is. He was planted on the design being super functional and overall easy to build. I thought differently. Would art really be art if it were 'easy' to create? Easily understandable? My view of design and architecture in specific revolve around the ingenuity and uniqueness of a building. Something that would make you look twice, three times, and four. Something baffling at first, but after examination it would lead in a path that was truly your own. I don't think architecture can be described only as the design of building but as using art to create that building. Its an art, not a blueprint.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

So the Table, ALMOST THERE!!!

So the table lives! I'm pretty much 3/4 done. The shape, the curves are all finalized. Now the hours of sanding and fine tuning. The table is beautiful but its time to add some soft spots and a coat of stain. I've been thinking about the colour, and a red oak is probably what ill end up with. a darker stain would wash out the lines of the wood so i think that's a no no. Hard clear varnish will be applied to finished the coat of the wood. I may you a tinted Varnish to break down the number of steps. I hope it goes well, the wood is glued with an unstainable glue, i've sanded enough so that any glue is below the surface, but as I've learnt with this project there is many wrenches thrown at you in design!!