Monday, December 13, 2010

Tomorrow is the DAY!!!

So soon enough I'll be having my Rach back. Right about now she's waking up getting ready for her flight to Canada! Ah I can't believe it, in another 19 hours she'll be mine again. For all of you just joining in on the blog right now, me and Rach having being seeing each other for just about 2 and half years now. She lives in England, me in Canada. Long distance sucks but we've made it work and she's coming around for her second winter visit to the frosty landscapes of Manitoba. The picture above is of her last time she was here. We went for a skate on the ice path. She nearly froze to the ice.
I can't wait to have her back, long distance can kill relationships but in our case its made it so much better. Well i would love to keep typing but i got to go to bed so fast forward time!

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