Friday, June 25, 2010

Conspriracy Theories

So had an invitation from my girlfriend to watch a film "Zietgeist". Which by the way means Spirit of the Era. Or some mumbo jumbo like that. Anyways the films outlines three major conspiracies. One that Christian and many other religions are re-hashed version of the the 'original' Egyptian belief in the Sun God. Secondly that 9/11 was a carefully planned explosion to instill fear in the American people. Thirdly of a world banking and leading to a Mono- governmental world.
After about 10 minutes of watching the ridiculous intro to the movie i stopped watching it as I felt a little to insulted at the words being said. This lead me to believe this was another one of those movies with a chip on its shoulder against Christianity and more so religion itself.
But after hearing the movie actively disclaims that the attacks on the WTC was not of terrorist but of the government of the United States of America. I almost became sick. It is in fact a dark idea of to think of but more so a dark idea to create!
It set me aback. To think someone can really look at the people jumping out of the towers, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, parents, loved ones broken by their and turn right around and start making fake stories to bring down the US government. Now don't get me wrong there is many things wrong with the US governments but i truly believe the killing of 5000 innocent people would be conducted.
The thought that it could be is the more disgusting part. That someone actually created this conspiracy. The claims made in the film have time and time again been debunked, and we are left with a sad mess that merely spits on the graves of those who died in the wreckage and who died saving those within it.
All in all i feel saddened that the human race can do such destructive things to each other. In the physical realm but also the mental realm. The picture above depicts the victims of 9/11, surprising when you look at it that way.

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