Friday, July 30, 2010


Well in the last few days here I've said proper goodbye's to many people. And it's really starting to hit me. I'm going to be leaving this whole life behind. Sue I've just been working in England but I've made friends, confidants, people I've shared my life story with and them the same. I've made real connections with people I work with, hangout with, or literally meet on the street. Sure England couldn't give me the weather i wanted but it's given so much more. The relationships that I've made here will last a very long time, and that's the hard part. To be in someone's life then to leave it within a few days. To all English people whom I've made friends with or literally just chatted to in the shop thank-you all for a wonderful experience and a great year. England i will miss you. Shout out to all Gul Falmouth Staff Guy, James, Carmen, Jon, Rach and my boys here Lee, Ash, Rob, Saf, Ducky, Fraiser and the girls (not in that way) Pops, T, Meg, Lex, Christina, and Sophie and all of the Blue house girls!! Cheers!

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